siglar carbon ship finder

Find low-emission ships and cut costs in seconds

It's time to factor carbon into your chartering decisions. With the Ship Finder, you can easily rate your alternatives by expected emissions and EU carbon cost.

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Ship Finder Siglar solutions page

SIglar carbon ship finder

Steer towards smarter, greener and cheaper shipping decisions

Transform your carbon management and empower your fleet with data-driven insights!

Cut emissions and cost

Factor carbon into your chartering decisions while planning and fixing your voyages to reduce carbon and cost.

Spot 0pportunity and meet KPIs

Compare the carbon footprint of different shipping alternatives to spot opportunities and reach environmental KPIs.

Save time

Locate the most carbon-efficient ship for your cargo in seconds and free up valuable time.

Make confident choices

Get accurate and comparable emissions estimates form a neutral third party and make sure you compare apples to apples.

Get a competitive edge

Understand the emissions exposure of different ships and turn emissions complexity into a competitive edge.

Get started – it’s easy!

Being a Siglar client requires no IT investment and no installation. All you need to get started is a web browser.
Get in touch now, and we’ll tell you more!

Siglar Ship Finder solutions page
Ship Finder Siglar solutions page
Siglar Ship Finder solutions page

Core Features

Graph representation
Pre-fixture emissions estimates

Accurate and quick predictions of ship specific carbon estimates for your next voyage.

Ranking icon
Carbon ranking of all ships

List of all relevant ships for your cargo ranked by expected carbon footprint.

Emissions calculator
Insightful emissions data

Expected emissions displayed in absolute emissions, voyage CII rating and alignment with EEOI target.

Exposure cost graph
EU ETS cost exposure

Estimates of EU ETS carbon cost for all ship alternatives in dollars per tonne cargo and in lumpsum.

Speed Indicator
Speed adjustment

Possibility to adjust vessel speed and see impact on total emissions, CII and carbon cost.

High accuracy emissions estimates

Highly accurate emissions estimates based on large amount of data input that is quality assured by Siglar experts before automatic validation.

How the Ship Finder works

vessels icon


Select load port, quantity and laycan to get all vessel alternatives.

Emissions from vessels


Automatic calculation of emissions from ballast leg,  laden leg and port stays.

Emissions data icon


Evaluate all vessel alternatives, ranked by expected CO2 emissions.

Carbon Estimates Icon


Estimate EU ETS eligible emissions and add to freight cost calculations.

Speed adjustment icon


Adjust CP speed to model change in emissions.

Contact us

Siglar is more than just software

Siglar’s experienced team is here to ensure collection of high-quality data directly from all your chartered ships and to make sure reporting runs smoothly. We also help you get the most out of the Siglar Carbon Efficiency platform.  


Request free trial

Drop us a message requesting a free trial of the Siglar Carbon Ship Finder and we'll get back to you.

Whether you’re just getting started or leading the way in shipping decarbonisation, you can make carbon efficient and profitable shipping decisions using the Siglar solutions.

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