siglar carbon analyser

Your guiding compass to carbon compliance

We get you. You are tired of unreliable emissions data hampering your operations. You are overwhelmed by the complexity of carbon reporting. We were too. That's why we made the Analyser: Unlocking validated data and actionable insights.

Unlock insights now
Analyser screen image

SIglar carbon analyser

Easier emissions decisions

Streamline your emission strategy with our solution: From data gathering to performance analytics and verification, we offer a comprehensive approach to emissions management.

Decision Making
Improve decision-making

Accurate and timely emissions insights to enable more informed business decisions.

Demystify your carbon exposure

Estimates of EU ETS eligible emissions and related carbon cost.

Prepare for new regulations

Insights that reflect changing emissions regulations so that you can reduce risk and spot opportunities.

Cut cost – and emissions

Making sustainable choices is normally costly. Our tool helps you identify cost exposure and business opportunities.

Data Collection
Free up valuable time

Make data-collection and emissions accounting easy and free up valuable time. 

Verified Emission
Increase credibility

Detailed third party emissions insights offer credibility toward stakeholders.

Get started – it’s easy!

Being a Siglar client requires no IT investment and no installation. All you need to get started is a web browser.
Get in touch now, and we’ll tell you more!

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Analyser screen image
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Core Features

Estimator Tanker

Insightful emissions analytics

Complete overview of carbon emissions and performance related to chartering activities, from company level down to daily emissions from single voyages.

Estimator EU ETS

EU ETS cost exposure

Monitor the carbon cost exposure under EU ETS and the development through the year, on company level, segment level and single voyage level.

Emission description

Validated emissions statements

Voyage emissions validated and documented by neutral third party.


Alignment with IMO trajectory

Carbon performance in line with IMO trajectories, displayed in CII, AER and EEOI.

Sea Cargo

Sea Cargo Charter compliant

Siglar Carbon meets all Sea Cargo Charter reporting requirements.

API Integration

API integration

API’s to integrate the carbon reduction tools you need into the platform you use.

How the Analyser works

analyser data collection


Streamlined data collection from all voyages on purpose made webform or API.

Quality Assurance


Two step QA, with automatic validation of data and review by expert team.

analyser cloud graph


Performance analytics in cloud-based dashboard.

Validated emissions statements image


Reporting in line with industry standards such as EU MRV, Sea Cargo Charter and Glec.

You don't have to do it alone

Let Siglar Carbon take care of the entire process - from collecting, validating and reporting to analysing emissions data. 

Contact us

Siglar is more than just software

Siglar’s experienced team is here to ensure collection of high-quality data directly from all your chartered ships and to make sure reporting runs smoothly. We also help you get the most out of the Siglar Carbon Efficiency platform.  


Improve your carbon performance

Contact us to see how the Siglar Carbon Analyser can help improve your carbon performance.

Whether you’re just getting started or leading the way in shipping decarbonisation, you can make carbon efficient and profitable shipping decisions using the Siglar solutions.

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